1. John Hulley tenant of the One House from 1488
Ref. D7392 Cheshire Archives and Local Studies - Grant of land in Rainow to John Hulley 1488 03 Dec 1488
Halmote of the Forest of Macclesfield held at Macclesfield before Thomas Earl of Derby, Steward of the Lord the King there on Monday next after 
the feast of St Andrew the Apostle [Dec 1st] in the fourth year of King Henry VII. [1488]Macc. Forest.  MEMORANDUM that at the aforesaid 
Halmote held the day and year aforesaid, the Lord the King then by his Steward above named conceded to John Hulley a certain parcel of land 
containing one acre called Knolle House stydd with its appurtenances in the township (vill) of Rainow within the Forest of Macclesfield lately 
enclosed by the said John to him and his heirs forever, according to the custom of the said Forest, paying thence yearly to the Lord of 
Macclesfield for the time being one penny at the Feast of St Michael and also performing such other services as the other tenants of the said 
Forest are accustomed to do.   And full seisin was given to the said John by the aforesaid Steward in the Halmote aforesaid, according to the 
custom of the Forest, in testimony of which the Official Seal of the said Steward is affixed to these presents.   
Dated at Macclesfield the Monday and year abovesaid.
By letter of Sir John Savage, senior, Knight.
                    Locum tenens for the said Steward. Birkhened
(The seal destroyed)
Ref. D7392 Cheshire Archives and Local Studies - Lease to John Hulley of Land called "One House" dated 1490 03 Mar 1490
THIS indenture made the ijde day of March the Vth yere of the Reign of Kyng Henre the VIJth [1490] Betwene Rauf Davernporte of Calveley and 
Hugh Davernport son and heyre apparent of the said Rauf opon that one ptie, And John Hulley opon that other ptie Witnesseth that the sayd Rauf & 
Hugh have set and let to farme to the said John Hulley a pcell of lond cald one howse lyinge in Raynowe wt. The apptenncez [appurtenances]  
to have and to holde the said pcell of lond cald on howse wth. Thapptenncez to the said John & his assygnes durynge the terme of xlv yerez next 
ensuying aftr the decesse of Margere late wyf to Arthur Davernporte yeldinge therefore yerely to the said Rauf & to his heyrez xxs.xxd at the festez of 
the Natyultie of Saint John Bapt and Saint Martyn in Wyntr by evyn porconz or wt in xxte days ayther of the said fests next suyinge.  And to the chefe 
lord of the fee the Rent therof due & accustomed and yf the said Rent be byhynd at other of the said fests yt it ogh [ought] to be paid by xxte days the 
said fests next suying [ensuing].   Then it shalbe lawfull to the said Rauf and his heyrez on the said lond to distresse & the distresses so taken to dryf 
and Cary away & anends [against] theym to hold unto the tyme yt thay be content & satisfied of the said rent & the arrerages [arrears] yt of and if the 
said rent be byhynd unpaid at other of the saidz fests yt it ogh to be paid at by a quartr of a yere the said fests next suying and no sufficient distresse 
may be fond in the said lond then it shalbe laghfull [lawful] to the said Rauf & to his heyrez in to the said lond to reentre & hit in theyre furst estate to 
hold this indenture in any Wyse not Wythstondyng Also the said John Hulley graunts by these presents yt he shall do covenable s'vyce [service] to 
Rog. Legh of the Rege [Ridge] reservyng hs maistere    Also the saids Rauf  & Hugh graunten by these presents yt they or other of theym shall make 
an estate to the said John of the said lond by byll indented wtin a qrtr of a yere next ensuying aftr the decesse of the said Marge fore teme of the said 
yeres yeldynge yt fore yerely to the said Rauf & to his heyrez the rent above reherset.    In Witnesse wherof to these presents the said pties 
entrchaungeable have putt theyre sealz   Gevyn the day and yere reherset.     
(Two seals one destroyed)
SC 2/258/2  Hundred and Hallmote of the Forest and Portmote of the Borough 1492-93
6rev    (Hal) Yda foreste. Radus Holynshede gne de Hugoe Byon de plito debi plege de pd Johes Hulley
9rev    (Hal) Yda foreste. Georgino (crossed out) Non pd Orme gne de Thomas Aonrlonde de plito oominenoord fraote plege de pd Johes Hulley
SC 2/271/3 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest   1492-94
6 (List of  names) incl. John Hulley (no location)  
SC 2/311/2   Portmote and Great Leet of the Borough 8 ms                                                                   1493-94
2  rev   Reg Farlowes et Johes Hulley het vop. et s.b 
SC 2/258/3  Hundred and Hallmote of the Forest and Portmote of the Borough 1494-95
21rev   (List of  jurors)  John Holley Thome Normesell
SC 2/271/6    Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest   1499
Maccd Foreste - Randulf Sey jne de Johe Hulley de plito debi plege de jne Thos  Solaver.    Peorpis eciam tibi ydl snnd fro Hulley wd id Radi Dey 
de plito debt Puds dey rsnd Johem Hulley p. eo yd lmn pt syrolyd de XI prmino def rpnd aprod senen.  Peorpi eciam tibi gd atterch fro Johem Hulley 
edjs rads dey de plito desu jnep pd lo cenrynm sn.                    
SC 2/258/4  Hundred and Hallmote of the Forest and Portmote of the Borough  1498-1500  
2rev    (Hal)Macc Foreste Radns Dey gnd de Johe Hulley de plito debi plege de pd Hunfrnd Monyfeld et prs est ballid gd pnd qtt  px Halmot fr
3 (Hal)Macc Foreste Radno Dey p attorn cmd op so dfno Johem Hulley de plito debi bt nce non ven et snnd afo fure mmnd fr gt prd est Hallmo ydr 
attaby orga pylae
8 (Hal)Macc Foreste Radno Day gnd Johe Hulley de plito debi plege de prex Thoms ... pe est ballio yd anno ergd px Halmot
8rev    Radne Dey in ppa psona sna op de urno Johem Hulley de plito debi et ipe non ven bt gnd to fd ipe in inato bt poepte srt bathe gd attach erga px 
Ref. D7392 Cheshire Archives and Local Studies - Deed by John Hulley in the nature of a Will c. 1500 c1500
THIS Writyng beyrys wyttenes yt I John Hulley leves [leaves] a howse and a nacre [an acre] of lond, and a grond ye gweche [which] ys called on 
howse lyynge in ye town of Rawnae & the gwech yt I have takyn to ye tyme of v & xl zere next folowyng aftr ye desesse of Marg'e yt was ye wyfe of 
Arthur Davemport of Calveley aftr. Her dissesse to me John Hulley and to myne assigns after myn desesse to Alic my wyfe and to my childr 
lafulle begettyn to lawrans & to Ellyn and m'get And Annes for to be Ann'seers [overseers] of this lond Jamg Hulley my brodr. And Richard and 
Willia and Hug that they shall see yt my howse and a nacre of lond lyynge to hit be up holdyn and keppet as hit shuld be also ye tacke of ye lond wt 
ye wode yt yes [these] my sectures [executors] syn see yt hit be ockepiet to ye most p'fet of ye lond.  Also I will yt Alic my wyfe have hit As long as 
she kepys my name and also as long as thes my sectures thinke yt she ockepyes as they thinke a shuld doe to ye behofe of hir and my childur.
      I John Hulley make sectures and seners [executors and overseers] James Hulley Ric. Hulley Willia Hulley and Hug Hulley and Alice my wyfe 
And my childr put them in strenketh of covans made betwyx Rafe Davemport And Hug ye son of ye sayd Rafe and heyr of pairand [apparent] of 
Calveley And Above namet John on ye todr [the other] parte And yt ye sayd John with Alic his wyfe and his childr And aftr them ye Aldest secutore 
next foloyng yt they may have all grantes and cov'andes maket by twene Rafe Davemport and Hug his son on ye tonparte [the one] and ye said John 
on ye todr parte witt yt all mangrantes and cou'andes be to ye behofe of Alic my wif And my childr And to ye secutoresse [executors] afore reherset 
yt yey be my neyrs [mine heirs] And myn Asenesse [assigns] And myn ….. all grantes & cou'andis yt be made betwixt ye sayd Raf upon ye one parte
 ….. John above said on ye odr pte   I will yt yis writyng be myn attorney.
SC 2/271/7  Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest   1501
Macc Foreste - ..........John Hulley de plito detene ............                
SC 2/271/8  Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest  (fragile) 15 ms? 1502-03
6 Halmote -Preoipio ettam tibi gd attach Ao Johem Hulley de Ranaoe Ad responden.. Rado Dey de plito debi
SC 2/271/8   Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest   1503
Preorpie eciam tibi jdl arrarh prd Johem Hulley de Ranowe ad respondend vado dey de plito debi. 
SC 2/271/11 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest  (fragile) 14 ms  1506-07
4 Gd emn Johem Hulley Ad p Randolpho Dey de plito debi
8 Preoipio ettam tibi gd attach Ao Johem Hulley Ad responden.. Rado Dey de plito debi (in margin – 9s.6d)
14 Johem Hulley (at bottom of rot - name only)
SC 2/271/15 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest  (fragile) 21 ms 1512-14
7rev Jury List - John Hulley de Ranowe
SC 2/260/5  Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 1514-16
2 Prest edam tibis. ydr amn Rigmaldn Chose ydr oncal ad p John Hulley de plito  debi
4 P Johis Hulley uf Reynald Shore p do glr on Johes Warde de Prethomo on festo on attp..tbe akli Ao 11th hond rpm ovxto emnfet de  pdcd gner 
ovpem uyqttam de Ranowe y amnat pdol oohd al eme dedud p gno oned Johe Dond rign denenit debitur pfitto co. m. omnd pdond;  (Rough 
translation - Came John Hulley - Reginald Shore with John Ward bought 7 vergates of land at Ranowe for the sum of  7s.4d. They were in debt to 
the former for the above sum. They came in person and paid 12d.) 
7 Johes Hulley gned de Regmaldn Shore de plito debi plege de pd ...ysmas Upton       
21rev   Macc. Hund. Johes Hulley gd de Reginalde Shore de plito debi plege de pd Thomas Upton pt proe est ballio gn mndge
21rev   Regmaldn Shore dmno fnt de respondend Johe Hulley de plito gdr reclat ei  Septum Johe & gnnd tne denar yna ......
SC 2/271/17 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest (fragile) 22 ms 1515-17
13 Jury List - Johes Hulley - not called
SC 2/260/6  Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 1515-17
15 ..... Johem Dibbe ......John Hulley de plito debi
17 ..... Johem Hulley gner & Rymotld Show de plito debi
18 Macc. Hund. Johem Hulley gnert de Johe Dibbe .......
SC 2/272/1  Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest (fragile) 25 ms  1518-20
7 Gdr Attach Johem Steveson gdr sit us pd Johi Holey de plito debi
7a Jury List – John Holey
8 Johe Holey vsus Johem Steveson p eo gdr ec delano Apud Ranowe def see pics (Halmote of Forest)
10 Et gdr  sum Johem Holey & Aliciam uxem ems gdr snt us Ad pd Johi Steveson de plito debi
11 Jury List - Jhon Hulley 
11 Johe Steveson vsus Johem Holey & Aliciam uxem see pics
12rev  Johes Holey gnept de Johes Steveson de plito tnrgr pleg de pay Thomas Upton
14rev  Johes Steveson gnept de Johe Holey & Alicia uxem sme plito debi pleg de pai Rogno Orme
23 Johem Holey gner & Johem Steveson de plito debi etc
24 Johem Holey gner & Johem Steveson de plito debi etc 
SC 2/311/16 Portmote and Great Leet of the Borough 27 ms – jury lists (jl) on 2, 5, 8,9,13,16,19,25                                 1518-20
10 ....  Jamye Normendseyl .. keyfyngdropper & Jhon Holey in they afrey wt. James Normonseyl on they  wensdey aft ye feste of m..ten 
SC 2/260/9  Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 1518-20
17 Johes Holey
SC 2/312/1  Portmote and Great Leet of the Borough 33 ms jl on 2,5,10,13,16,18,23,25,26,27  (30 - 33 Halmote on long parchment sheets)                       1519-21
32 Macc Foreste ......... .lit billam dfno Johem Holey de plito atenend non est p. billam .llam p. ire ae Johes Bent plege fine de p. in mnil .s
SC 2/272/4  Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest (fragile) 32 ms  1521-23
22 Jury List - Johes Holey – called  pic
27 Jury List – Johes Holey -  not called  pic 
29,  31  John Wulley (sic)  pic n called  
SC 2/272/5  Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest (fragile)  35 ms  1522-24
2 Robert Downes gr de Johes Latham de plito tnrgr pleg de ps Johes Holley
15 Halmot Et sunt Al gdr  cap Johem Holey de Ranowe gdr ut &c Ad r dno Regd de Downes tushge contempt sup apud psentas undemdot est pbr 
siamp xiiij Hy viij
20 Pleg de fin Johis Holley de Ranowe mdac.. de tns & conte iipt p S Diomsy xiiij Hy viij Johes Prindluffe & …
29 Johem Holey Johem Holley de Ranowe in list of names
30 John Hulley in Jury List - called
31 Pleg de fin Johem Holey; Edmundno Orme & Johes Holey
33 Also they psent yt John Hulley of Ranowe dwelling in the house withe ----the holding of John hols – d Re. pdey … …. To the whoe..
34 It. John Holey brake the said folde & take fosty hl bestes away?
35 Jury List - John Hulley NC
SC 2/272/6  Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest (fragile)  31 ms 1523-24  
3 Laur Holey fil & heres John Hulley in prut psonet suit ven hui in pleno halmote die & anno snpdos toiam pice senlo Georgio Holford yilts lion tenent 
ibm Johe Davenport Georgio Fitton  Johe Birkhened chio cur ibm & Al dm Reg fidelile tunt ibm psentibr  kt ditt duo Regd vt duo de yaie luenact mgr 
omia illa tgr & ten onm ptui gne nupsner pdid John ppd sm in Will de Ranowe infra foreste de Macl ghereddunt dno de macl gm tempe suit p annd 
vnn denar tenend sibi & heredr simo nupynd et plena saut tgr & ten pdur omu ptm prats Laur delibate est & pat de fin p k rele ino sm.       Inde soled 
Johes Pott de dunge. (Festival of the birth of John the Baptist Sept decimo) 
Collection (Fonds) D7392 Hulley family of Rainow records at CRO ref 4
  SC 2/258/7 f5rev Hundred and Hallmote of the Forest and Portmote of the Borough 10 Sep 1523
Surrender of the One House to Laurence Hulley Son and Heir of John Hulley
Earwaker transcription of above document
Halmote of the Forest of Macclesfield held there before Edward Stanley Esq. son and heir of Thomas Earl of Derby Steward of the Lord the King
 there the Monday next before the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Sept 8] in the 16th year of the King Henry VIII [1524]
Macc. Forest. Laurence Holey son and heir of John Holley in his proper person came here in the full Halmote on the day and year above written 
before the said Steward Sir George Holford Knt. locum tenens there, John Davenport, George Fitton, John Birkened, Clerk of the Court there and 
other faithful men of our lord the King, then being present , and sought the Lord the King as Lord of Macclesfield, for a licence to enter [into] all those 
lands and tenements with their appurtenances, which lately belonged to  the said John his father, in the vill of Ranowe within the Forest of 
Macclesfield, which pay to the Lord of Macclesfield for the time being per annum one penny, to be held to him and his heirs for ever.  And full seisin 
of the said lands and tenements with their appurtenances to the said Lawrence was delivered and given by his fine of one penny thence being paid, 
by the pledge of John Pott of Dunge. In testimony of which to this present copy, the seal of his Office is affixed, he day and year above written.
Seal destroyed.
1a Alic ........... – wife of John Hulley
Ref. D7392 Cheshire Archives and Local Studies - Deed by John Hulley in the nature of a Will c.1500 c1500
THIS Writyng beyrys wyttenes yt I John Hulley leves [leaves] a howse and a nacre [an acre] of lond, and a grond ye gweche [which] ys called on 
howse lyynge in ye town of Rawnae & the gwech yt I have takyn to ye tyme of v & xl zere next folowyng aftr ye desesse of Marg'e yt was ye wyfe of 
Arthur Davemport of Calveley aftr. Her dissesse to me John Hulley and to myne assigns after myn desesse to Alic my wyfe and to my childr lafulle 
begettyn to lawrans & to Ellyn and m'get And Annes for to be Ann'seers [overseers] of this lond Jamg Hulley my brodr. And Richard and 
Willia and Hug that they shall see yt my howse and a nacre of lond lyynge to hit be up holdyn and keppet as hit shuld be also ye tacke of ye lond wt 
ye wode yt yes [these] my sectures [executors] syn see yt hit be ockepiet to ye most p'fet of ye lond.  Also I will yt Alic my wyfe have hit As long as 
she kepys my name and also as long as thes my sectures thinke yt she ockepyes as they thinke a shuld doe to ye behofe of hir and my childur.
      I John Hulley make sectures and seners [executors and overseers] James Hulley Ric. Hulley Willia Hulley and Hug Hulley and Alice my wyfe 
And my childr put them in strenketh of covans made betwyx Rafe Davemport And Hug ye son of ye sayd Rafe and heyr of pairand [apparent] of 
Calveley And Above namet John on ye todr [the other] parte And yt ye sayd John with Alic his wyfe and his childr And aftr them ye Aldest secutore 
next foloyng yt they may have all grantes and cov'andes maket by twene Rafe Davemport and Hug his son on ye tonparte [the one] and ye said John 
on ye todr parte witt yt all mangrantes and cou'andes be to ye behofe of Alic my wif And my childr And to ye secutoresse [executors] afore reherset 
yt yey be my neyrs [mine heirs] And myn Asenesse [assigns] And myn ….. all grantes & cou'andis yt be made betwixt ye sayd Raf upon ye one parte
 ….. John above said on ye odr pte   I will yt yis writyng be myn attorney.
SC 2/272/1  Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest (fragile) 25 ms  1518-20
10 Et gdr sum Johem Holey & Aliciam uxem ems gdr snt us Ad pd Johi Steveson de plito debi
12 Johe Steveson vsus Johem Holey & Aliciam uxem see pics
14rev  Johes Steveson gnept de Johe Holey & Alicia uxem sme plito debi pleg de pai Rogno Orme
2. James Hulley/Hullay/Hooley - brother of John Hulley
SC 2/259/1   Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 1489-90
5 Rannolde - Arond Hauly ....Butley - Jacobus Hulley 
SC 2/258/3  Hundred and Hallmote of the Forest and Portmote of the Borough 1494-95
21 List of jurors) James Holley
SC 2/258/4  Hundred and Hallmote of the Forest and Portmote of the Borough 1498-1500  
6rev    (Hund).....& Jacobus Hulley sub peil.... Jacobus Hulley
SC 2/259/1   Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 1489-90
5 Rannolde - Arond Hauly ....Butley - Jacobus Hulley 
SC 2/259/2  Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 13 membranes 1495-96
5 Macc Hund Regmaldno Legh de Mottram gnes Jacobo Hulley de Foxwhist de plito tnas plege de ps Riane Clerk
7 Macc Hund Regmaldno Legh de Mottram gnes Jacobo Hulley de Foxwhist de plito tnas plege de ps Riane Clerk
8 rev  Reg Legh de Mottram vs. Jacobu Hulley in plito tns p eo gd lin p Jacobi aph as br rsmun def apud Foxwist fregit & herb snao ibm nup 
gestence depist ft ocuonl & confl a alia enorum ts conntunmand trsgr paiot a pdos de lune vsgr diem im,ppetrase bill to ad ds xxxix s  
def. in fna psona sna diat ge non ail js xijd 
SC 2/259/3  Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 19 ms 1496-97
1 Regmaldn Legh de Mottrm & Jacobum Hulley de plito tngr
6 (Headed Hundred) Xijd ae furend Jur. mte Reg Legh  & Jacobus Hulley 
8 (Headed Hundred) Xijd ae furend Jur. mte Reg Legh  & Jacobus Hulley
12 Forest fidt Sum p Thome Jordyn vrus Olend Hulley vidme Jacobi Hulley de plito tns
SC 2/259/5   Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 22 ms 1498-99
13 (4th entry) incl Jacobi Hulley 
17rev  (3rd entry) incl Jacobus Hulley
SC 2/271/5    Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest   1498
...also in ye same .....that one James Hulley nup. de Ap..ut? & Humphrey  Holderney came into the house of Thomas Gardner & theyre 
made a salte & a fray & blodwyte upon the sayd Thomas that came Wednesday next after the fest of Saynt Barnabe….    ..........
Jacobum Hulley.......... Plege de fnd sad Jacobi Hulley indarto de tno tuedy valenti sytythd de pny by Robert Shrigley & Peter 
Broadhurst.  (Rough translation - Pledge concerning the fine of James Hulley indicted for a  trespass until Valentine Tuesday by  Robert 
Shrigley & Peter Broadhurst.   ......Jacobn Hulley (and others)     
Ref. D7392 Cheshire Archives and Local Studies - Deed by John Hulley of the nature of a Will c.1500 c1500
THIS Writyng beyrys wyttenes yt I John Hulley leves [leaves] a howse and a nacre [an acre] of lond, and a grond ye gweche [which] ys called on 
howse lyynge in ye town of Rawnae & the gwech yt I have takyn to ye tyme of v & xl zere next folowyng aftr ye desesse of Marg'e yt was ye wyfe of 
Arthur Davemport of Calveley aftr. Her dissesse to me John Hulley and to myne assigns after myn desesse to Alic my wyfe and to my childr lafulle 
begettyn to lawrans & to Ellyn and m'get And Annes for to be Ann'seers [overseers] of this lond Jamg Hulley my brodr. And Richard and 
Willia and Hug that they shall see yt my howse and a nacre of lond lyynge to hit be up holdyn and keppet as hit shuld be also ye tacke of ye lond wt 
ye wode yt yes [these] my sectures [executors] syn see yt hit be ockepiet to ye most p'fet of ye lond.  Also I will yt Alic my wyfe have hit As long as 
she kepys my name and also as long as thes my sectures thinke yt she ockepyes as they thinke a shuld doe to ye behofe of hir and my childur.
      I John Hulley make sectures and seners [executors and overseers] James Hulley Ric. Hulley Willia Hulley And Hug Hulley And Alice my wyfe 
And my childr put them in strenketh of covans made betwyx Rafe Davemport And Hug ye son of ye sayd Rafe and heyr of pairand [apparent] of 
Calveley And Above namet John on ye todr [the other] parte And yt ye sayd John with Alic his wyfe and his childr And aftr them ye Aldest secutore 
next foloyng yt they may have all grantes and cov'andes maket by twene Rafe Davemport and Hug his son on ye tonparte [the one] and ye said John 
on ye todr parte witt yt all mangrantes and cou'andes be to ye behofe of Alic my wif And my childr And to ye secutoresse [executors] afore reherset 
yt yey be my neyrs [mine heirs] And myn Asenesse [assigns] And myn ….. all grantes & cou'andis yt be made betwixt ye sayd Raf upon ye one parte
 ….. John above said on ye odr pte   I will yt yis writyng be myn attorney.
SC 2/259/11 Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 1 m 1505-06 
1rev  Hundred Court of Macclesfield (end of 1st para) Gd Johes Wilkynson sevis affram sup Jacobn Hullay a sup en traxn sangnmem ns
SC 2/259/12 Hundred and Great Tourn of the Hundred 20 ms 1506-08
17 John Wylkeson de Butley made afray on James Hullay de Butley and ngolie hym to bre blod ye iiij day of julie.
SC 2/270/72 Miscellaneous Hundred, Forest and Borough business (fragile ) 30 ms   1515-17
4 Prepico ettam tibi quad arretarto Jacobum Hulley de Foxwist Ad p. Reginald Legh de Mottrum de plito transg. (Rough translation – An order to you to
arrest Jacobum Hulley of Foxwist to answer to a plea of trespass from Reginald Legh of Mottrum.)   Constables of Macclesfield Hundred
SC 2/273/4 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest (fragile)  28 ms  1537-39
1 Macc Foreste Jacobus Holey gr de Johe Bowre de plito debi plege de pa Hugone Greves
6 Et gdr Attach Johem Bowre de Sutton gdr suit & ei Adr r Jacobo Holey de plito dbi
10 Et gdr smn Johem Bowre de Sutton gdr est Ad r Jacobo Holey de plito debi
SC 2/264/7  Macclesfield Hundred and Great Tourn Court 27 ms     1563-65
11 Et qd sum Johem Stanley qd fit ar? ad R. Guffne Hooley Jacobo Hooley Rico Hooley  & Willmo Hooley Dd plit debi.
13rev   Et pd sm Johem Stanley qd ft .. ad  Garffm Hooley Jacobi Hooley & Rico Hooley Willmo Hooley d  plit debi plege de pd Johes Pott
3. Richard Hulley/Hooley/Howley - brother of John Hulley
Ref. D7392 Cheshire Archives and Local Studies - Deed by John Hulley of the nature of a Will c.1500 c1500
THIS Writyng beyrys wyttenes yt I John Hulley leves [leaves] a howse and a nacre [an acre] of lond, and a grond ye gweche [which] ys called on 
howse lyynge in ye town of Rawnae & the gwech yt I have takyn to ye tyme of v & xl zere next folowyng aftr ye desesse of Marg'e yt was ye wyfe of 
Arthur Davemport of Calveley aftr. Her dissesse to me John Hulley and to myne assigns after myn desesse to Alic my wyfe and to my childr lafulle 
begettyn to lawrans & to Ellyn and m'get And Annes for to be Ann'seers [overseers] of this lond Jamg Hulley my brodr. And Richard and 
Willia and Hug that they shall see yt my howse and a nacre of lond lyynge to hit be up holdyn and keppet as hit shuld be also ye tacke of ye lond wt 
ye wode yt yes [these] my sectures [executors] syn see yt hit be ockepiet to ye most p'fet of ye lond.  Also I will yt Alic my wyfe have hit As long as 
she kepys my name and also as long as thes my sectures thinke yt she ockepyes as they thinke a shuld doe to ye behofe of hir and my childur.
      I John Hulley make sectures and seners [executors and overseers] James Hulley Ric. Hulley Willia Hulley And Hug Hulley And Alice my wyfe 
And my childr put them in strenketh of covans made betwyx Rafe Davemport And Hug ye son of ye sayd Rafe and heyr of pairand [apparent] of 
Calveley And Above namet John on ye todr [the other] parte And yt ye sayd John with Alic his wyfe and his childr And aftr them ye Aldest secutore 
next foloyng yt they may have all grantes and cov'andes maket by twene Rafe Davemport and Hug his son on ye tonparte [the one] and ye said John 
on ye todr parte witt yt all mangrantes and cou'andes be to ye behofe of Alic my wif And my childr And to ye secutoresse [executors] afore reherset 
yt yey be my neyrs [mine heirs] And myn Asenesse [assigns] And myn ….. all grantes & cou'andis yt be made betwixt ye sayd Raf upon ye one parte
 ….. John above said on ye odr pte   I will yt yis writyng be myn attorney.
Hough End 1611)
SC 2/264/7   Macclesfield Hundred and Great Tourn Court 27 ms     1563-65
11 Et qd sum Johem Stanley qd fit ar? ad R. Guffne Hooley Jacobo Hooley Rico Hooley  & Willmo Hooley Dd plit debi.
13rev   Et pd sm Johem Stanley qd ft .. ad  Garffm Hooley Jacobi Hooley & Rico Hooley Willmo Hooley d  plit debi plege de pd Johes Pott
SC 2/276/1 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest (repaired) 46 ms  1563-65
26r Int Ricm Hooley g Et Rogern Jackson de Broke def et Johem Pott uy p Def de plit debi sume etc
27 Et qd sume pyd gr Int Ricm Holey g et Rogerm Jackson de Broke et Johem Potts en etc
SC 2/276/3 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest (repaired) 12 ms  1565-67
1 Radus Hollingshed de Coppehurste gent & Mgareta uxe – lease of land etc in Sutton incl Ricm Hooley husbandman – see pics 2429-31
SC 2/278/2   Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest 1564-66
?    Rim Hooley
SC 2/266/4         Macclesfield Hundred and Great Tourn Court 34 ms                                                             1577-79
26 Macc Forest .yn debit cap Richard Hooley  vjd
SC 2/278/3   Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest 53 ms  1581-83
The Presentments  of the Constables & townshippe of Sutton & Wyncle incl Rychard Howley in encrouchmet a ronde in length and halfe in breadth.
Impraments wthn the Forest of Macclesfeld psented the viijth day of October An xviiyo Elizabeth regne and symed the yere next aftr. 
Sitton – John Brodehurst for m..osyng one rode in length and halfe a rode in breade fine xijd   Richard Howley for the lyke - xijd.
SC 2/279/1 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest Surrenders etc (fair copy) FRAGILE 9 + 22 ms  1585-87
1 incl Ricus Howley Et Rogerus Hardynge – see pics 2462 – 67
SC 2/279/2   Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest FRAGILE 8 + 45 ms  1586-88
1 Et qd Sunt plreg capiat incl Et qd dystr Ricm Hooley gd or ad r eidem Jacobo (Smethurst) de plito debi iijs viid 
5 Et qd Att Ricm Hooley gd fit &c ad R eidem Jacobo de plit debi iijs viijd 
10 Et qd Suim Ricm Hooley gd fit &c ad R eidem Jacobo de plit debi iijs viijd
15rev Et qd Suim Ricm Hooley gd fit &c ad R Johem Dosan de plit debi iiijs
20 Macc Forest Johes Doson g de Rico Huoley de plito debi iiijs
SC 2/279/3 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest FRAGILE 6 + 48 ms  1587-89
1 Et qd Sum xijs &c Int Johem Dawson g Et Ricm Howley defend in plito debi viijs p X pd
4 Int Johem Dawson g Et Ricm Howley defend in plito debi viiijs  & hollyn et calves ab do empt put &c (margin) deft inmf xvjd f cax ad sate.
23 Macc Forest Richardus Howley g de Hugome Turner de plito deb iijs xd 
42 et qd sunt plres capiat incl  Et qd sunt als distrnyt Ricm Hooley Si &c  R Jacobo Smethurst de plit Debi iiijs vijd
SC 2/279/5 Hallmote and Great Leet of the Forest Hallmote of the Forest FRAGILE 7 paper surrenders + 56 loose ms  1589-91
6 inc Johem Grannge & de Ric Hooley de plit debi ijs
4. William Hulley/Holey/Hooley - brother of John Hulley
Ref. D7392 Cheshire Archives and Local Studies - Deed by John Hulley of the nature of a Will c.1500 c1500
THIS Writyng beyrys wyttenes yt I John Hulley leves [leaves] a howse and a nacre [an acre] of lond, and a grond ye gweche [which] ys called on 
howse lyynge in ye town of Rawnae & the gwech yt I have takyn to ye tyme of v & xl zere next folowyng aftr ye desesse of Marg'e yt was ye wyfe of 
Arthur Davemport of Calveley aftr. Her dissesse to me John Hulley and to myne assigns after myn desesse to Alic my wyfe and to my childr lafulle 
begettyn to lawrans & to Ellyn and m'get And Annes for to be Ann'seers [overseers] of this lond Jamg Hulley my brodr. And Richard and 
Willia and Hug that they shall see yt my howse and a nacre of lond lyynge to hit be up holdyn and keppet as hit shuld be also ye tacke of ye lond wt 
ye wode yt yes [these] my sectures [executors] syn see yt hit be ockepiet to ye most p'fet of ye lond.  Also I will yt Alic my wyfe have hit As long as 
she kepys my name and also as long as thes my sectures thinke yt she ockepyes as they thinke a shuld doe to ye behofe of hir and my childur.
      I John Hulley make sectures and seners [executors and overseers] James Hulley Ric. Hulley Willia Hulley and Hug Hulley and Alice my wyfe 
And my childr put them in strenketh of covans made betwyx Rafe Davemport And Hug ye son of ye sayd Rafe and heyr of pairand [apparent] of 
Calveley and Above namet John on ye todr [the other] parte And yt ye sayd John with Alic his wyfe and his childr And aftr them ye Aldest secutore 
next foloyng yt they may have all grantes and cov'andes maket by twene Rafe Davemport and Hug his son on ye tonparte [the one] and ye said John 
on ye todr parte witt yt all mangrantes and cou'andes be to ye behofe of Alic my wif And my childr And to ye secutoresse [executors] afore reherset 
yt yey be my neyrs [mine heirs] And myn Asenesse [assigns] And myn ….. all grantes & cou'andis yt be made betwixt ye sayd Raf upon ye one parte
 ….. John above said on ye odr pte   I will yt yis writyng be myn attorney.
SC 2/258/9  Hundred and Hallmote of the Forest and Portmote of the Borough                                                                                                             1527-29, 1531-32
2 rev    (For. Port) Willmo Holey p cons pk pdkt de ani colind pphm Johe Blag sems &  pmnfrd hpg
SC 2/262/3  Macclesfield Hundred Court  28 ms 1535-37
16 William Hole gdr at eoadr Randlpho Pykeryn  de plito debi 1535-36
SC 2/262/8  Macclesfield Hundred Court  23 ms 1540-42
2 Thomam Combes William Dogge de Bosdon Edwardn Thornlegh Willm Hulley de Somford Johem Robinson Chord? 1540-41
pledge de fin Willi de Holey de Somford Laur Holey & Thomas Oldfeld (crossed out) 1541-42
9 (5th of 12 in list at start) Willm Hulley de Somford 1541-42
11 Itm P arta festum fourth anivrosy Willing (xxd over name) Hulley de Somford prysd sent tofra tetilia Gee idio in mid. 1541-42
20 Willm Holey de Somford gd .. &c adr Jacobi Hordron de plito debi  1540-41
SC 2/262/9 33-34 Hen 8 Macclesfield Hundred Court   (26 membranes) 1541-43
26 Willm Huley (altered from Haley) de Somford 1541-42
SC 2/264/7  Macclesfield Hundred and Great Tourn Court 27 ms     1563-65
11 Et qd sum Johem Stanley qd fit ar? ad R. Guffne Hooley Jacobo Hooley Rico Hooley &  Willmo Hooley Dd plit debi.
13rev   Et pd sm Johem Stanley qd ft .. ad  Garffm Hooley Jacobi Hooley & Rico Hooley Willmo Hooley d  plit debi plege de pd Johes Pott
5. Hugh Hulley - brother of John Hulley
POST 1490
Ref. D7392 Cheshire Archives and Local Studies - Deed by John Hulley of the nature of a Will c.1500 c1500
THIS Writyng beyrys wyttenes yt I John Hulley leves [leaves] a howse and a nacre [an acre] of lond, and a grond ye gweche [which] ys called on 
howse lyynge in ye town of Rawnae & the gwech yt I have takyn to ye tyme of v & xl zere next folowyng aftr ye desesse of Marg'e yt was ye wyfe of 
Arthur Davemport of Calveley aftr. Her dissesse to me John Hulley and to myne assigns after myn desesse to Alic my wyfe and to my childr lafulle 
begettyn to lawrans & to Ellyn and m'get And Annes for to be Ann'seers [overseers] of this lond Jamg Hulley my brodr. And Richard and 
Willia and Hug that they shall see yt my howse and a nacre of lond lyynge to hit be up holdyn and keppet as hit shuld be also ye tacke of ye lond wt 
ye wode yt yes [these] my sectures [executors] syn see yt hit be ockepiet to ye most p'fet of ye lond.  Also I will yt Alic my wyfe have hit As long as 
she kepys my name and also as long as thes my sectures thinke yt she ockepyes as they thinke a shuld doe to ye behofe of hir and my childur.
      I John Hulley make sectures and seners [executors and overseers] James Hulley Ric. Hulley Willia Hulley And Hug Hulley And Alice my wyfe 
And my childr put them in strenketh of covans made betwyx Rafe Davemport And Hug ye son of ye sayd Rafe and heyr of pairand [apparent] of 
Calveley And Above namet John on ye todr [the other] parte And yt ye sayd John with Alic his wyfe and his childr And aftr them ye Aldest secutore 
next foloyng yt they may have all grantes and cov'andes maket by twene Rafe Davemport and Hug his son on ye tonparte [the one] and ye said John 
on ye todr parte witt yt all mangrantes and cou'andes be to ye behofe of Alic my wif And my childr And to ye secutoresse [executors] afore reherset 
yt yey be my neyrs [mine heirs] And myn Asenesse [assigns] And myn ….. all grantes & cou'andis yt be made betwixt ye sayd Raf upon ye one parte
 ….. John above said on ye odr pte   I will yt yis writyng be myn attorney.
(No more Hugh Hulley entries)