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Ches08 - Descendants of Henry Howley of the One House, Rainow who married Elizabeth Burges in 1609


5. Johannis Howley

1612 28 Jun - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Johannis filius Henrici Howley de Park.

1641 21 Aug - child buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Fil aborta Johis Hooley de Park.

1642 20 Jul - son Jasper buried at St MIchael's church Macclesfield: entry lost.

1643 2 Jul - son Gasper baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Gaspar Holey fil Johis Hooley
de Parke.

1659 30 Oct - dau Marie baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Marie the daughter of John
Howley of Macc. pke.

1663 18 Oct - dau Elizabeth baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabeth daughter of
John Howley de Parke.

1665 - dau Elizabeth buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabeth the dowter of John

1664-65 20 Mar - son Henry baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Henry Hoowley son of
John Hoowley of Parke.

1668 25 Aug - son George baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: George the sonn of John
Hooley sen. de Parke.

1684 28 May - made Will (copy held) :
IN THE NAME of God Amen the Eight and Twentieth day of May in the Six and thirtieth
year of the Reigne of our most Gratious Sovarine Lord Charles the Second by the
Grace of God King of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the faith etc
Annoqs Domd. 1684 I JOHN HOWLEY thelder of Macclesfield parke in the County of
Chester yeoman being Aged and weak in body but in Good and pfect memory praised
be God for the same, And weighing and considering with myselfe that death to all
men is most certaine But the time and hower of death most uncertaine Doe therefore
make and ordaine this my last will and Testament for the setleing disposing of my
temporall Estate, But first and principally I comend my soule into the hands of Almighty
God my maker stedfastly trusting that through the merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour I
shall have the full pardon & Remission of all my Sinns, My body I Committ to the Earth
to be interred in such decent mannr as to my Executors shall seem meet. And as to
that temporal Estate wherewith it has pleased Almighty God to Bless me I will
bequeath and dispose of the same in mannr & forme following Imps. my will and
mind is that my just debts funerall expences and the charge of this my last will be first
paid and satisfied out of my whole Estate Item I Give and bequeath unto JASPER
HOWLEY my sonne the sume of one shilling in full discharge of his childs part of any
of my Estate. Item I give and bequeath unto ANNE my wife the sume of nyne pounds
which my said sonne JASPER oweth me my best bed which she and I lye upon with
the bed stead bedding and furniture thereunto belonging Item all the rest residue of
my Goods Cattells & Chattells and debts after payment of my debts legasies funerall
expences and the charge of the probate of this my last will I give and bequeath unto
my wife my sonne HENRY and my daughter MARY to be divided into three equall ptes
and whenfor devided I give unto them three every of them an equall share and if any of
them dye before their receipt of their proportion thereof, then I give and bequeath his
her or their pte for dyeing unto the survivrs or of them equally to be divided, And doe
nominate and appoint my said wife my sone HENRY and my daughter MARY to be
Executors of this my last will hopeing they will see all things pformed According to my
mind herein expressed And I doe hereby direct my loving frend & neighbour WILLIAM
SWINDELLS to be overseer of this my will, In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my
hand and Seal the day & year above written.

Sealed Signed published & JOHN HOWLEY Testr.
declared to be the Last will
& Testamt of the said testatr his H mark
in prce of

1686 29 Sep - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: John Howley senr. of the Parke.

1686 13 Dec - Will proved (John Hooley Thelder of Macclesfield Park)

Ann ...............

1641 21 Aug - child buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Fil aborta Johis Hooley de Park.

1642 20 Jul - son Jasper buried at St MIchael's church Macclesfield: entry lost.

1643 2 Jul - son Gasper baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Gaspar Holey fil Johis Hooley
de Parke.

1659 30 Oct - dau Marie baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Marie the daughter of John
Howley of Macc. pke.

1663 18 Oct - dau Elizabeth baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabeth daughter of
John Howley de Parke.

1665 - dau Elizabeth buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabeth the dowter of John

1664-65 20 Mar - son Henry baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Henry Hoowley son of
John Hoowley of Parke.

1668 25 Aug - son George baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: George the sonn of John
Hooley sen. de Parke.

1684 28 May - husband made Will (copy held).

1686 13 Dec - beneficiary of husband's Will: Item I give and bequeath unto ANNE my wife the sume of
nyne pounds which my said sonne JASPER oweth me my best bed which she and
I lye upon with the bed stead bedding and furniture thereunto belonging Item all the
rest residue of my Goods Cattells & Chattells and debts after payment of my debts
legasies funerall expences and the charge of the probate of this my last will I give and
bequeath unto my wife my sonne HENRY and my daughter MARY to be divided into
three equall ptes and whenfor devided I give unto them three every of them an equall
share and if any of them dye before their receipt of their proportion thereof, then I give
and bequeath his her or their pte for dyeing unto the survivrs or of them equally to be
divided, And doe nominate and appoint my said wife my sone HENRY and my
daughter MARY to be Executors of this my last will hopeing they will see all things
pformed According to my mind herein expressed

9. no name Howley

1641 21 Aug - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Fil aborta Johis Hooley de Park

10. Jasper Howley

1642 20 Jul - buried at St MIchael's church Macclesfield: entry lost.

12. Marie Howley

1659 30 Oct - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Marie the daughter of John Howley of Macc.

1684 28 May - father made Will (copy held).

1686 13 Dec - beneficiary of father's Will: Item all the rest residue of my Goods Cattells & Chattells and
debts after payment of my debts legasies funerall expences and the charge of the
probate of this my last will I give and bequeath unto my wife my sonne HENRY and my
daughter MARY to be divided into three equall ptes and whenfor devided I give unto them
three every of them an equall share and if any of them dye before their receipt of their
proportion thereof, then I give and bequeath his her or their pte for dyeing unto the
survivrs or of them equally to be divided, And doe nominate and appoint my said wife my
sone HENRY and my daughter MARY to be Executors of this my last will hopeing they will
see all things pformed According to my mind herein expressed

13. Elizabeth Howley

1663 18 Oct - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabeth daughter of John Howley de

1665 - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabeth the dowter of John Howley.

14. Henry Howley

1664-65 20 Mar - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Henry Hoowley son of John Hoowley
of Parke

1684 28 May - father made Will (copy held).

1686 13 Dec - beneficiary of father's Will: Item all the rest residue of my Goods Cattells & Chattells and
debts after payment of my debts legasies funerall expences and the charge of the
probate of this my last will I give and bequeath unto my wife my sonne HENRY and my
daughter MARY to be divided into three equall ptes and whenfor devided I give unto them
three every of them an equall share and if any of them dye before their receipt of their
proportion thereof, then I give and bequeath his her or their pte for dyeing unto the
survivrs or of them equally to be divided, And doe nominate and appoint my said wife my
sone HENRY and my daughter MARY to be Executors of this my last will hopeing they will
see all things pformed According to my mind herein expressed

15. George Howley

1668 25 Aug - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: George the sonn of John Hooley sen. de

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