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Ches09 - Descendants of Johis Hooley of the One House, Rainow 1638-1692


2. John Hooley

1666 14 Nov - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: John the son of John Hooley, Jun., de Parke.

1676 2May - beneficiary of grandfather's Will: Item I give unto my grandchild JOHN HOWLEY son of
my said son JOHN HOWLEY one gray mare wch. I bought of my son JOHN Item I give &
bequeath unto my said grandchild JOHN HOWLEY all the goods his father hath in his
possession wch. are myne (to witt) two bedsteds a table & a forme one table & a forme
one dish board one provided my wife have the use of them duringe her usall life if she
pleases Item I give unto my said grandchild JOHN HOWLEY son of my said son JOHN
HOWLEY tenne shillinges

1684 13 Sep - beneficiary of uncle Edward Howley's Will: And after the decease of ELIZABETH my
wife and THOMAS HOWLEY my Uncle then I give & bequeath All & singular the sd.
Lands & hereditamts. & all my estate & interest therein unto my brother JASPER
HOWLEY of th'one house in Ranowe aforesd. & his heirs & assignes paying wthin One
year next after he or they enter upon & be in actuall possession of the sd. pmisses the
sume of Ninety pounds of lawfull money of England unto the children of JOHN
HOWLEY THOMAS HOWLEY & CHARLES HOWLEY my brothers equally to be devided
among all of them and to be employed and put forth for the .....................

AND concerning my Messuage and Tenemt. in the Houghe aforesaid I have reserved
by an Assignmt. thereof power to charge ELIZABETH my wife dureing her nttrall life wth
any summe or summes of money not exceeding Nine pounds the year in the whole
Nevrthelesse it is my Will and mind and I doe hereby declare that it shall be free and
chargeles if my sd. wife be contented wth and accept of a third pte of my personall
Estate herein hereafter given her by this my last Will and Testamt. in full of all further
and other claimes and demands whatsoever of in or unto my personall Estate. But if
she be not contented and pleased therewth then I according to my sd. power charge it
wth Sixe pounds a year dureing her life to be paid by her forth of the sd. pmisses yearly
and every year at Michaelmas and Candlemas for the use of the children of JOHN
HOWLEY THOMAS HOWLEY and CHARLES HOWLEY my sd. brothers equally to be
devided amongst them and be imployed and put forth as is hereafter expressed And
after the decease of my sd. wife alsoe according to my power reserved in the Said
Marton in the sd. County of Chester yeoman and her assignes wth the summe of One
hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to her or her assignes wthin
One year next after she or they enter upon the sd. Messuage and Tenemt. or in default
of such paymt. thereof the Trustees in the said Assignmt. shall stand & be possessed
thereof for the raising of the same over and above all costs and charges for the use of
equally to be devided amongst them and to be put forth & imployed for them as is
herein after expressed And of all the rest residue & remainder of my goods Cattells
and Chattells whatsoever One full third part thereof I give and bequeath to the said
ELIZABETH HOWLEY my wife hopeing she will be therewth content and pleased And
the then residue and remainder thereof I give and bequeath to all the children of the
equally to be devided amongst them And if any of them happen to dye before they
attaine to the age of One & Twenty Years the Survivors of them shall have his her or
their partes soe dyeing of my personall Estate and all other Legacies or Summes of
money given them before in this my last Will and Testamt. equally devided amongst
them and such of them as shall happen to be under the age of One & Twenty years at
the time of my decease that the fathers of such sd. children respectively shall put forth
& imploy all their legacies or summes of money given unto them by this my sd. last
Will and Testamt. for their uses untill their attainmt. of the age of One and Twenty
years aforesd. Except for the children of my sd. brother JOHN HOWLEY; their legacies
or summes of money to be put forth and imployed for his children by my
herein after named untill they come to the age of One and Twenty years aforesd.

1688 11 Dec - Access to Archives binder Tatton of Wythenshawe Muniments - File - Macclesfield Park -
ref TW/569 date - 1688.
Lease by Elizabeth Howley of Macclesfield, the widow of John Howley of Rainow, John Howley of
Macclesfield Park, John, the latter’s son, and John Lowe of Hordern in Rainow, to Peter Wright of

1692-93 16 Feb - beneficiary of father's Will: Item it is my will And minde that the Issues And Pfitts that
are After my decease to bee raised out of the messuage & tenemt of mine where I
now Live Shall bee disposed of by my Exers. hereafter named, to And for ye use of
my three youngest Children According as my said Exers. Shall thinke fitt, And see
occasion untill such age as ye Can maintaine themselves (if my term therein fore
Long Continue) And after to my Eldest son JOHN HOWLEY dureing ye ramaindr of
the said terme, Item after my sd debts and funerall expences are paid and
discharged out of my psnall Estate all the Then Rest Residue And Remaindr
thereof I give to my sd three youngest Children to bee disposed of unto them att
the discretion of my sd. Executrs hereafter named

1693 beneficiary of sister Elizabeth's Will: Ips. I give unto my Brothers JOHN HOWLEY & FRANCIS HOWLEY
either of them five shillings a peece.

- son Joannes born : mother Alicia Blagge - see burial entry below.

1694 17 Apr - son Joannes buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Joannes filius Joannis Hooley et Aliciae Blagge
de Park.

1696 19 Jul - dau Elizabetha baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabetha filua Joannes Hooley de Parke.

1697 16 Sep - son Jaspar buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Jaspar Hooley de Park Lane.

1699 26 Jan - dau Maria baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Maria filia Joannes Hooley de Parke.

1701 22 Jan - dau Elizabetha baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabetha filia Joannes Hooley de Macc.

1704 02 May - dau Alicia baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Alicia filia Joannes Hooley de Macc.

1706 31 Jul - dau Dorothea baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Dorothea filia Joannes Hooley de Macc.

1711 22 Jul - son Jasper baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Jasper filius Johannes Hooley de Park Lane.

1711 24 Oct - son Jasper buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Jasparus filius Joannes Hooley de Park.

Maria ......

1711 29 Sep - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Maria uxor Joannis Hooley de Park.

11. Joannes Hooley

- born : mother Alicia Blagge - see burial entry below.

1694 17 Apr - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Joannes filius Joannis Hooley et Aliciae
Blagge de Park.

12. Jaspar Hooley

1697 16 Sep - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Jaspar Hooley de Park Lane.

13. Elizabeth Hooley

1696 19 Jul - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabetha filua Joannes Hooley de Parke.

14. Maria Hooley

1699 26 Jan - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Maria filia Joannes Hooley de Parke.

15. Elizabetha Hooley

1701 22 Jan - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabetha filia Joannes Hooley de Macc.

16. Alicia Hooley

1704 02 May - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Alicia filia Joannes Hooley de Macc.

17. Dorothea Hooley

1706 31 Jul - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Dorothea filia Joannes Hooley de Macc.

18. Jasper Hooley

1711 22 Jul - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Jasper filius Johannes Hooley de Park Lane.

1711 24 Oct - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Jasparus filius Joannes Hooley de Park.

4. Charls Hooley

1670-71 4 Jan - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Charls the sonne of John Hooley de Parke.

1684 13 Sep - beneficiary of uncle Edward Howley's Will: And after the decease of ELIZABETH my
wife and THOMAS HOWLEY my Uncle then I give & bequeath All & singular the sd.
Lands & hereditamts. & all my estate & interest therein unto my brother JASPER
HOWLEY of th'one house in Ranowe aforesd. & his heirs & assignes paying wthin One
year next after he or they enter upon & be in actuall possession of the sd. pmisses the
sume of Ninety pounds of lawfull money of England unto the children of JOHN
HOWLEY THOMAS HOWLEY & CHARLES HOWLEY my brothers equally to be devided
among all of them and to be employed and put forth for the .....................

AND concerning my Messuage and Tenemt. in the Houghe aforesaid I have reserved
by an Assignmt. thereof power to charge ELIZABETH my wife dureing her nttrall life wth
any summe or summes of money not exceeding Nine pounds the year in the whole
Nevrthelesse it is my Will and mind and I doe hereby declare that it shall be free and
chargeles if my sd. wife be contented wth and accept of a third pte of my personall
Estate herein hereafter given her by this my last Will and Testamt. in full of all further
and other claimes and demands whatsoever of in or unto my personall Estate. But if
she be not contented and pleased therewth then I according to my sd. power charge it
wth Sixe pounds a year dureing her life to be paid by her forth of the sd. pmisses yearly
and every year at Michaelmas and Candlemas for the use of the children of JOHN
HOWLEY THOMAS HOWLEY and CHARLES HOWLEY my sd. brothers equally to be
devided amongst them and be imployed and put forth as is hereafter expressed And
after the decease of my sd. wife alsoe according to my power reserved in the Said
Marton in the sd. County of Chester yeoman and her assignes wth the summe of One
hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to her or her assignes wthin
One year next after she or they enter upon the sd. Messuage and Tenemt. or in default
of such paymt. thereof the Trustees in the said Assignmt. shall stand & be possessed
thereof for the raising of the same over and above all costs and charges for the use of
equally to be devided amongst them and to be put forth & imployed for them as is
herein after expressed And of all the rest residue & remainder of my goods Cattells
and Chattells whatsoever One full third part thereof I give and bequeath to the said
ELIZABETH HOWLEY my wife hopeing she will be therewth content and pleased And
the then residue and remainder thereof I give and bequeath to all the children of the
equally to be devided amongst them And if any of them happen to dye before they
attaine to the age of One & Twenty Years the Survivors of them shall have his her or
their partes soe dyeing of my personall Estate and all other Legacies or Summes of
money given them before in this my last Will and Testamt. equally devided amongst
them and such of them as shall happen to be under the age of One & Twenty years at
the time of my decease that the fathers of such sd. children respectively shall put forth
& imploy all their legacies or summes of money given unto them by this my sd. last
Will and Testamt. for their uses untill their attainmt. of the age of One and Twenty
years aforesd. Except for the children of my sd. brother JOHN HOWLEY; their legacies
or summes of money to be put forth and imployed for his children by my
herein after named untill they come to the age of One and Twenty years aforesd.

1689 30 Apr - beneficiary of uncle Charles Howley's Will: whereas I stand seized of a certaine
Messuage or tenent in Ranowe within the manor and forest of Macclesfield called
Slough fould (being Coppyhold) I doe hereby give devise settle and dispose of the same
in manner and forme and to the severall uses intents and ?.........? herein hereafter
mentioned and expressed that is to say the the use and beheste of ELIZABETH my
daughter and the heires of her body lawfully begotten, and for default of such issue to
use and beheste of CHARLES HOOLEY sonne of JOHN HOOLEY my Brother his heires
and assignees. Provided allways and it is my minde and will and I doe hereby order
that if my said daughter ELIZABETH happen to die without lawfull issue in the life tyme
of my deare wife ESTHER then I doe order and will that the said ESTHER shall and
may hold and enjoy the said Messuage and tenent the profitts ?........? to receave and
take to her owne use for and during the term of hir naturall life, Any thinge herein before
contained to the contrary not withstanding Itm I give and bequeath unto the said
CHARLES HOOLEY sonne of my brother JOHN HOOLEY All my wearing apparrill.

1692-93 16 Feb - beneficiary of father's Will: ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter
ELIZABETH HOWLEY one little truncke Item I give my son JOHN my Son CHARLES my
Son FRANCIS And my daughter ELIZABETH HOWLEY twelve pence apeece, Item it
is my will And minde that the Issues And Pfitts that are After my decease to bee raised
out of the messuage & tenemt of mine where I now Live Shall bee disposed of by my
Exers. hereafter named, to And for ye use of my three youngest Children According
as my said Exers. Shall thinke fitt, And see occasion untill such age as ye Can
maintaine themselves (if my term therein fore Long Continue) Item after my sd debts and
funerall expences are paid and discharged out of my psnall Estate all the Then Rest
Residue And Remaindr thereof I give to my sd three youngest Children to bee disposed
of unto them att the discretion of my sd. Executrs hereafter named

1693 beneficiary of sister Elizabeth's Will: Att the sight and discretion of my Brother CHARLES
HOWLEY & my Cosen EDWARD SWINDELS whom I Nominate & Appoynt to be my Sole
executors to this my last will & testament to be performed accordingly. and I giveunto
either of them ten shillings a peece, for their case herein:

19. Joanes Hooley

1695 30 Apr - baptisd at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Joannes filia Carolus Hooley de Macc.

10. Edrus Hooley

1683-84 30 Jan - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Edrus fil Johi Howley de Parke. bastard child of Anne
Shatwell de Macc.

1684 13 Sep - beneficiary of uncle Edward Howley's Will:
AND first concerning my Lands and hereditam.ts in Ranowe in the County of Chester
aforesd during the lives nttrall of ELIZABETH HOWLEY my now wife and THOMAS
HOWLEY my Uncle I give and bequeath the Same and the Rents issues and profits
thereof in manner and forme following (That is to say) unto my sd. wife th'one halfe
thereof during her nttral life And th'other halfe thereof my hereafter named shall
stand and be seized thereof for the paying out of forty shillings a year of lawfull money
of England unto my sd. Uncle THOMAS HOWLEY during his nttrall life the same to be
paid unto him at Michaelmas and Candlemas in every year by even and equal porttons
and the rest of the rents & profits thereof I give unto EDWARD HOWLEY son of my
brother JOHN HOWLEY during the nttral lives of my sd. wife and Uncle and of the
Survivor and longer live(r) of them And after the decease of of my sd. uncle the sd. forty
shillings I give unto the sd. EDWARD HOWLEY dureing the nttral life of my sd.wife And
if my said wife happen to die before my sd. Uncle then I give the Rents and profits of
that halfe that was hers alsoe unto the sd. EDWARD HOWLEY dureing the life nttrall of
my sd. Uncle And what moneys shall be raised out of the Rents and profits of the sd.
Lands and hereditamts. for the use of the sd. EDWARD HOWLEY shall be imployed
and pu.....d as is herein after expressed And after the decease of ELIZABETH my
wife and THOMAS HOWLEY my Uncle then I give & bequeath All & singular the sd.
Lands & hereditamts. & all my estate & interest therein unto my brother JASPER
HOWLEY of th'one house in Ranowe aforesd. & his heirs & assignes paying wthin One
year next after he or they enter upon & be in actuall possession of the sd. pmisses the
sume of Ninety pounds of lawfull money of England unto the children of JOHN
HOWLEY THOMAS HOWLEY & CHARLES HOWLEY my brothers equally to be devided
among all of them and to be employed and put forth for the .....................

AND concerning my Messuage and Tenemt. in the Houghe aforesaid I have reserved
by an Assignmt. thereof power to charge ELIZABETH my wife dureing her nttrall life wth
any summe or summes of money not exceeding Nine pounds the year in the whole
Nevrthelesse it is my Will and mind and I doe hereby declare that it shall be free and
chargeles if my sd. wife be contented wth and accept of a third pte of my personall
Estate herein hereafter given her by this my last Will and Testamt. in full of all further
and other claimes and demands whatsoever of in or unto my personall Estate. But if
she be not contented and pleased therewth then I according to my sd. power charge it
wth Sixe pounds a year dureing her life to be paid by her forth of the sd. pmisses yearly
and every year at Michaelmas and Candlemas for the use of the children of JOHN
HOWLEY THOMAS HOWLEY and CHARLES HOWLEY my sd. brothers equally to be
devided amongst them and be imployed and put forth as is hereafter expressed And
after the decease of my sd. wife alsoe according to my power reserved in the Said
Marton in the sd. County of Chester yeoman and her assignes wth the summe of One
hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to her or her assignes wthin
One year next after she or they enter upon the sd. Messuage and Tenemt. or in default
of such paymt. thereof the Trustees in the said Assignmt. shall stand & be possessed
thereof for the raising of the same over and above all costs and charges for the use of
equally to be devided amongst them and to be put forth & imployed for them as is
herein after expressed And of all the rest residue & remainder of my goods Cattells
and Chattells whatsoever One full third part thereof I give and bequeath to the said
ELIZABETH HOWLEY my wife hopeing she will be therewth content and pleased And
the then residue and remainder thereof I give and bequeath to all the children of the
equally to be devided amongst them And if any of them happen to dye before they
attaine to the age of One & Twenty Years the Survivors of them shall have his her or
their partes soe dyeing of my personall Estate and all other Legacies or Summes of
money given them before in this my last Will and Testamt. equally devided amongst
them and such of them as shall happen to be under the age of One & Twenty years at
the time of my decease that the fathers of such sd. children respectively shall put forth
& imploy all their legacies or summes of money given unto them by this my sd. last
Will and Testamt. for their uses untill their attainmt. of the age of One and Twenty
years aforesd. Except for the children of my sd. brother JOHN HOWLEY; their legacies
or summes of money to be put forth and imployed for his children by my
herein after named untill they come to the age of One and Twenty years aforesd.

1693 beneficiary of sister Elizabeth's Will: Then it is my will and mind after my funerall
expenses are discharged, to & dispose of the remainder of my personall estate as
followeth, that is to my Brother EDWARD HOWLEY and my Sisters DOROTHY
HOWLEY, & ALICE HOWLEY, to be equally divided amoungst them.

1706 23 Feb - married at St Peter's church Prestbury: Edward Hooley & Sarah Simpson (Macclesfield) (IGI).

1707 15 Oct - dau Elizabetha baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabetha filia Edwardi Hooley de Park

1708 12 Jan - dau Elizabetha buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabetha filia Edwardi Hooley de Park.

Extract from Macclesfield Court Rolls - TNA ref SC 2/342/4 and /5
Entry Books - Civil Cases in Macclesfield Hundred - These consist of entries of cases, with notes as to
results. They are sometimes called 'Waste Books' or 'By Book'. They refer to cases both in the Hundred
and in the Forest Court, for the former of which, at any rate, no rolls exist, since the court referred to
apparently dealt with civil cases and met every four weeks, and so could not have been the Court Leet.

1714 04 Apr - dau Ann baptised at St Christopher's church Pott Shrigley: Ann daur. of Edward Hooley Shrigley.

1716 Nov ref SC 2/342/4: EDNO Howley q vs Johem Ridgway idem q vs Johem Norton
EDNO Howley q vs Johem Jackson
1717 11 Nov ref SC 2/342/5: Edward Hooley wt Johem Turner rase concord
1718 20 July EDRNE Howley Johem Jackson
1718 15 Sep EDRNE Howley Johem Jackson
1719 22 Jun EDRUS Hooley v Jacobi Flesher

CHES 4 Sacrament Certificates (also shown as Test Act Certificates)
1720 3 Oct Parochial Chappell of Macclesfield - John Bostocke Ch Warden of the same and Ed. Hooley sidesman
....... Ed. Hulley His Mark - H

1736 Extract from Macclesfield Court Rolls - TNA ref SC 2/335/9 Declarations - Hundred Court - These consist
of pleadings put into court by the suitors - plaintiffs and defendants - and filed by the court officials.
The Hundred of Macclesfield To Witt For Edward Hooley and Francis Barton Plaintiffs against John
Broadhead Defendant in a Plea of Debt of Thirty Nine Pounds and there are Pledges to Prosecute
To Witt John Doe and Richard Roe. (Dated the first day of Aprill in the Ninth Year of the Reigne of our
Sovereigne Lord King George the Second at Stockport.)
The Twenty Eighth day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty and Six. The Defendant Appeared
by John Hawkins the Younger and Confessed the Debt.

1742 05 Feb - wife buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Sarah wife of Edward Hooley Macclesfield.

1744 12 May - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Edward Hooley Macclesfield

Sarah Simpson

1742 05 Feb - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Sarah wife of Edward Hooley Macclesfield.

20. Elizabetha Hooley

1707 15 Oct - baptised at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabetha filia Edwardi Hooley de Park Lane.

1708 12 Jan - buried at St Michael's church Macclesfield: Elizabetha filia Edwardi Hooley de Park.

21. Jane Hooley

1710 10 May - baptised at St Christopher's church Pott Shrigley: Jane Howley d of Edward Howley Shrigley.

22. Edward Hooley

1712 1 Oct - baptised at St Christopher's church Pott Shrigley: Edward Howley s of Edward Howley Shrigley.

23. Ann Hooley

1714 04 Apr - baptised at St Christopher's church Pott Shrigley: Ann daur. of Edward Hooley Shrigley.

24. Jonathan Hooley

1715/16 03 Feb - baptised at St Christopher's church Pott Shrigley: Jonathan Howley s. of Edward Howley Shrigley.

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